Sunday, July 31, 2011

Night outing at Waterfront to watch fireworks

Alice, Fen, Carrie and Cherry in group photo. Sorry photo not clear because dark :-p

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

It's Over, Cherry Win

Well we continue playing the Monopoly game where we left off, in the end Cherry beat us all. We call her "Ti Zhu" or land lord in chinese. She kill us all with her lands :-) Congrats Cherry

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Playing Monopoly

Cherry dominate us here in this game, but it's not over yet :-p

BBQ Dinner at Michelle's place

Michelle Cooking

Wah.... Veronica can prepare food... i know she say me Chicken wing now :-)

Carrie, Jessica & Cherry group shot

Everyone enjoying the night

Sim with his funny face

Alice carry Fen, she so light

Group Photos

Welcome Carrie & Alice from China

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Why i am a Teacher :-)

Some people asked me, why you become a Teacher? My answers to them:

“In life we spent a short moment in school, some good memories, some bad memories, and some unforgettable memories. We all study, make friends, learn new things & experiences, well sometimes we suffer and stress, but we all get through it. After that it's a working life till…. Well only time can tell. Life after our school time is a totally different story. Some even wish they can turn back time. Well we must accept that we will age with time no matter what.

So why I become a Teacher? The answer is simple I love school so much that I don’t want to leave. Yes in life we spent a short moment in school, but I do not want a short moment, I want it to be my life. School had given me so much, knowledge, experiences, and opportunity. Being a Teacher I can have it again, and I can guide new generations with what I had achieved. Seeing your students learned and achieved in any fields under your guidance makes you very happy. For this I never want to stop learning. Being a Teacher we teach and we learn from our students. Life is a journey; this is a journey for me. What comes with the journey, well… I don’t know, it’s the believes that you must have in you, and believe you can. Will i change my journey, i do not know yet, for now I love school, I love to learn, and I love Teaching. But we must remember, being a Teacher is not just limited to school, there are other field that we can be a Teacher too. All i can say is I’m honored to be a Teacher.”

Cikgu Lim Han