Saturday, April 23, 2011

Saturday, April 9, 2011

My School Table Tennis Team 2011 :-)

3 Years had past and my Table Tennis Team is growing, and i would like thank Coach Richard McAfee from USA for his support & his kind and generous contribution of Table Tennis Equipment to my school students. Table Tennis is fun, really, i didn't think so 3 years ago and i also thought it was impossible for me to learn how to play, but "never give up" prove me wrong.

I may not be good in playing, but i'm still practicing. At the same time i coach my student too. Being a Coach and a player is different. You do not need to be very good in playing to be a good Coach. Trust me, look at my student, you will know what i'm talking about. lastly, i would like to thank Mr. Anthony Liew, Yvonne, Jessica, Fen, Cikgu Azmi, Cikgu Roy, Uztaz Ashraf, Cikgu Arif, and all my students for their believe and support for my development of Table Tennis not just in my school but in Brunei. Thank you all :-)