Friday, March 11, 2011

My Condolences to the People of Japan

I'm deeply sadden by the shocking news of Japan being hit by earthquake and Tsunami today. I wish the people of Japan all the best and take care in this most unfortunate situation. I hope to all my friends and their family there will be safe, and please let me know if you all are safe and fine. I'm worried and will keep updating on the situation on the news. There's nothing more that i hope for now then to know you all are safe.

From my deepest concern,
Lim Han (a.k.a Forest Han)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Congratz to Wai Yeu & Mei Chee for their Wedding on 5th March, 2011

"Marriage is beautiful, a new beginning of life together, and a journey to be together"
Wish Wai Yeu & Mei Chee all the Happiness and Wonderful memories to share with each other in this new beginning.

All the Best,
Forest Han